EV Charging Modes


Electric Car Charging Modes

Mode 1 EV Charger

Mode 1 charging technology refers to home charging from a standard power outlet with a simple extension cord. This type of charging involves plugging an electric vehicle into a standard household socket. This type of charging involves plugging an electric vehicle into a standard household socket. This method of charging does not provide users with shock protection against DC currents.

MIDA EV Chargers do not provide this technology and recommend their customers not to use it.
It is a recharge that occurs in alternating current (CA), up to 16 A, through a domestic or industrial socket and there is no protection and communication with the vehicle.
Mode 1 is typically used for light vehicles, for example electric motorcycles.


Mode 2 EV Charger

Mode 2 charging involves the use of a special cable with integrated shock protection against AC and DC currents. In Mode 2 charging, the charging cable is provided with the EV. Unlike Mode 1 charging, Mode 2 charging cables have built-in protection in the cables which protects against electric shock. Mode 2 charging is currently the most common mode of charging EVs.
It is a recharge in AC through a domestic or industrial socket that has an integrated protection device in the charging cable.
The protection device said “Incable Control Box” (ICCB) has the function to regulate the power and to monitor security parameters (e.g. to integrate a differential protection) ,This mode is typically used in the domestic and industrial sphere, not for recharging open to third parties or public.


Mode 3 EV Charging

Mode 3 charging involves the use of a dedicated charging station or a home mounted wall box for EV charging. Both provide shock protection against AC or DC currents. In Mode 3, the connecting cable is provided with the wall box or charging station and the EV does not need a dedicated cable for charging. Mode 3 charging is currently the preferred means of EV charging.
It is when the electric vehicle is connected to a charge point (EVSE) that provides: to communicate with the vehicle through a PWM protocol, to absolve the function of differential protection and magneto-thermal motor protector and to manage the approval and the appropriate security checkpoints. With this mode, the vehicle can be recharged in three-phase power up to 63 A (about 44kW) in both private and public environments, through Type 2 charging plug


Mode 4 DC Fast Charger

Mode 4 is often referred to as ‘DC fast-charge’, or just ‘fast-charge’. However, given the widely varying charging rates for mode 4 – (currently starting with portable 5kW units through to 50kW and 150kW, plus the soon to be rolled out 350 and 400kW standards)
It is when the recharge is through a charge point in direct current (CD) which is equipped with control and protection functions.It can be equipped with Type 2 charging plug for currents up to 80 A, or with Combo Type for currents up to 200 A, with a power up to 170 kW.
