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EV Charger Connectors

123232 ib

Ntau hom EV Charging Connectors

Muaj ntau qhov laj thawj xav txog kev hloov mus rau ib qho uas siv hluav taws xob los ntawm lub tsheb uas siv roj av.Cov tsheb hluav taws xob yog ntsiag to, muaj cov nqi khiav lag luam qis dua thiab tsim kom muaj cov pa tawm tsis zoo rau lub log.Txawm li cas los xij, tsis yog txhua lub tsheb hluav taws xob thiab cov plug-ins raug tsim sib npaug.Lub EV charging connector lossis hom qauv ntsaws tshwj xeeb yog sib txawv ntawm thaj chaw thiab cov qauv.

coj 2

Kuv yuav paub li cas lub plug-in kuv lub tsheb hluav taws xob siv?

Thaum kev kawm tuaj yeem zoo li ntau, nws yooj yim zoo nkauj tiag tiag.Txhua lub tsheb hluav taws xob siv cov khoom sib txuas uas yog tus qauv hauv lawv cov kev lag luam rau qib 1 thiab qib 2 them, North America, Europe, Tuam Tshoj, Nyiv, thiab lwm yam Tesla yog qhov tshwj xeeb, tab sis tag nrho nws lub tsheb tuaj nrog lub adapter cable rau fais fab kev lag luam tus qauv.Tesla Theem 1 lossis 2 qhov chaw them nqi kuj tseem siv tau los ntawm cov tsheb tsis yog Tesla, tab sis lawv yuav tsum siv lub adapter uas tuaj yeem yuav los ntawm tus neeg muag khoom thib peb.Rau DC them ceev ceev, Tesla muaj ib lub network ntawm Supercharger chaw nres tsheb uas tsuas yog Tesla tsheb siv tau, tsis muaj adapter yuav ua haujlwm ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb vim tias muaj cov txheej txheem kev lees paub.Nissan thiab Mitsubishi cov tsheb siv Japanese tus qauv CHAdeMO, thiab yuav luag txhua lub tsheb hluav taws xob siv CCS tus qauv them nyiaj.

North American Standards Hom 1 EV Plug

hom 1

Hom 1 EV Connector

yam 2

Hom 1 EV Socket

European Standards IEC62196-2 Hom 2 EV Connectors

yam 22

Hom 2 EV Connector

lub qhov (socket).

Hom 2 Inlet Socket

Hom 2 connectors feem ntau hu ua 'Mennekes' connectors, tom qab German chaw tsim tshuaj paus uas tsim tus tsim.Lawv muaj 7-pin plug.Lub EU pom zoo rau hom 2 connectors thiab lawv qee zaum raug xa mus los ntawm tus txheej txheem IEC 62196-2.

EV charging connector hom nyob teb chaws Europe zoo ib yam li cov nyob rau hauv North America, tab sis muaj ob peb qhov sib txawv.Ua ntej, tus qauv hluav taws xob hauv tsev yog 230 volts, yuav luag ob zaug ntau npaum li North America siv.Tsis muaj "theem 1" them nyiaj hauv Tebchaws Europe, vim li ntawd.Qhov thib ob, tsis yog J1772 connector, IEC 62196 Hom 2 connector, feem ntau hu ua mennekes, yog tus qauv siv los ntawm txhua lub tuam txhab tshwj tsis yog Tesla hauv Europe.

Txawm li cas los xij, Tesla tsis ntev los no hloov Tus Qauv 3 los ntawm nws tus kheej txuas mus rau Hom 2 txuas.Tesla Model S thiab Model X tsheb muag hauv Tebchaws Europe tseem siv Tesla txuas, tab sis kev xav tias lawv dhau los yuav hloov mus rau European Hom 2 txuas.


CCS Combo 1 Connector

qhov (socket) 2

CCS Combo 1 Inlet Socket

connector 3

CCS Combo 2 Connector

socket 3

CCS Combo 2 Inlet Socket

CCS sawv cev rau Combined Charging System.
Combined Charging System (CCS) npog Combo 1 (CCS1) thiab Combo 2 (CCS2) chargers.
Los ntawm lig 2010s, tiam tom ntej ntawm chargers ua ke Type1 / Type 2 chargers nrog tuab DC tam sim no connector los tsim CCS 1 (North America) thiab CCS 2.
Qhov kev sib txuas ua ke no txhais tau hais tias lub tsheb tuaj yeem hloov kho kom nws tuaj yeem nqa AC them los ntawm kev sib txuas hauv ib nrab lossis DC them ntawm 2 qhov sib txuas ua ke.Piv txwv li, Yog tias koj muaj CCS Combo 2 qhov (socket) hauv koj lub tsheb thiab xav tau. them nyiaj hauv tsev ntawm AC, koj tsuas yog ntsaws rau hauv koj li hom 2 ntsaws rau sab sauv ib nrab.Qhov qis DC ntawm lub connector tseem khoob.

Hauv Tebchaws Europe, DC them ceev ceev yog tib yam li hauv North America, qhov twg CCS yog tus qauv siv los ntawm txhua tus neeg tsim khoom tshwj tsis yog Nissan, Mitsubishi.Lub CCS system nyob rau hauv Teb chaws Europe muab cov hom 2 connector nrog cov cab dc ceev nqi pins ib yam li cov J1772 connector nyob rau hauv North America, yog li thaum nws tseem hu ua CCS, nws yog ib tug me ntsis txawv connector.Qauv Tesla 3 tam sim no siv European CCS connector.

Nyiv Standard CHAdeMO Connector & CHAdeMO Inlet Socket

CHAdeMO Connector

CHAdeMO Connector

CHAdeMO Socket

CHAdeMO Socket

CHAdeMO: Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob Japanese TEPCO tsim CHAdeMo.Nws yog tus qauv Japanese tus qauv thiab yuav luag txhua tus Japanese DC ceev chargers siv CHAdeMO connector.Nws txawv nyob rau hauv North America qhov twg Nissan thiab Mitsubishi yog tib lub tuam txhab uas tam sim no muag hluav taws xob tsheb uas siv CHAdeMO connector.Tib lub tsheb fais fab uas siv hom CHAdeMO EV charging connector yog Nissan LEAF thiab Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.Kia tawm CHAdeMO hauv 2018 thiab tam sim no muaj CCS.CHAdeMO connectors tsis sib koom ib feem ntawm cov connector nrog rau J1772 inlet, as opposed to the CCS system, yog li ntawd lawv xav tau ib tug ntxiv ChadeMO inlet ntawm lub tsheb Qhov no yuav tsum tau ib tug loj qhov chaw nres nkoj.

Tesla Supercharger EV Connector & Tesla EV Socket

Tesla Supercharger
Tesla EV Socket

Tesla: Tesla siv tib theem 1, Theem 2 thiab DC ceev them cov khoom txuas.Nws yog tus tswv Tesla txuas uas lees txais txhua qhov hluav taws xob, yog li lwm cov qauv xav tau, tsis tas yuav muaj lwm qhov txuas tshwj xeeb rau DC ceev ceev.Tsuas yog Tesla tsheb tuaj yeem siv lawv cov DC ceev ceev, hu ua Superchargers.Tesla ntsia thiab tswj cov chaw nres tsheb no, thiab lawv yog rau kev siv tshwj xeeb ntawm Tesla cov neeg siv khoom.Txawm tias muaj ib qho adapter cable, nws yuav tsis tuaj yeem them tus nqi tsis yog-tesla EV ntawm Tesla Supercharger chaw nres tsheb.Qhov ntawd yog vim tias muaj cov txheej txheem kev lees paub uas txheeb xyuas lub tsheb raws li Tesla ua ntej nws tso cai rau lub zog.Them Tesla Model S ntawm txoj kev mus los ntawm Supercharger tuaj yeem ntxiv ntau npaum li 170 mais ntawm ntau yam hauv 30 feeb xwb.Tab sis lub V3 version ntawm Tesla Supercharger nce lub zog tawm ntawm kwv yees li 120 kilowatts txog 200 kW.Cov tshiab thiab txhim kho Superchargers, uas tau tsim tawm hauv 2019 thiab txuas ntxiv dov tawm, ua kom nrawm dua li 25 feem pua.Tau kawg, ntau yam thiab kev them nyiaj nyob ntawm ntau yam - los ntawm lub tsheb lub roj teeb muaj peev xwm mus rau qhov ceev ntawm lub charger onboard, thiab ntau dua - yog li "koj lub mileage yuav txawv."

Tuam Tshoj GB/T EV Charging Connector

DC Connector

Tuam Tshoj GB / T DC Connector

Qhov (socket)

Tuam Tshoj DC GB / T qhov (socket)

Tuam Tshoj yog lub lag luam loj tshaj plaws - txog tam sim no - rau tsheb fais fab.
Lawv tau tsim lawv tus kheej them nyiaj, raug xa mus los ntawm lawv cov qauv Guobiao xws li: GB / T 20234.2 thiab GB / T 20234.3.
GB/T 20234.2 npog AC them (ib-theem nkaus xwb).Cov plugs thiab qhov (sockets) zoo li Hom 2, tab sis cov pins thiab receptors tau thim rov qab.
GB/T 20234.3 txhais li cas DC them sai sai ua haujlwm.Muaj tsuas yog ib lub teb chaws DC them nyiaj hauv Suav teb, ntau dua li kev sib tw xws li CHAdeMO, CCS, Tesla-hloov, thiab lwm yam, pom nyob rau hauv lwm lub tebchaws.

Interestingly, lub Japanese-based CHAdeMO Association thiab Tuam Tshoj hluav taws xob Council (uas tswj GB / T) ua hauj lwm ua ke ntawm ib tug tshiab DC ceev system hu ua ChaoJi.Lub Plaub Hlis 2020, lawv tshaj tawm cov txheej txheem kawg hu ua CHAdeMO 3.0.Qhov no yuav tso cai rau kev them nyiaj ntau dua 500 kW (600 amps txwv) thiab tseem yuav muab kev them nyiaj bidirectional.Xav tias Tuam Tshoj yog cov neeg siv khoom loj tshaj plaws ntawm EVs, thiab tias ntau lub tebchaws hauv cheeb tsam tuaj yeem koom nrog suav nrog Is Nrias teb, CHAdeMO 3.0 / ChaoJi teg num yuav zoo dethrone CCS nyob rau lub sijhawm raws li lub zog tseem ceeb hauv kev them nyiaj.

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Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb