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32Amp 7KW EV Charger Point Wallbox EV Charging Station yokhala ndi 5Meter IEC 62196 Type 2 EV cholumikizira Chithunzi Chowonetsedwa
  • 32Amp 7KW EV Charger Point Wallbox EV Charging Station yokhala ndi 5Meter IEC 62196 Type 2 EV cholumikizira

32Amp 7KW EV Charger Point Wallbox EV Charging Station yokhala ndi 5Meter IEC 62196 Type 2 EV cholumikizira

Kufotokozera Kwachidule:

Chitsanzo: MIDA-EVST-7KW
Zoyezedwa Panopa: 32Amp
Mphamvu yamagetsi: AC 230V 1Phase
Nthawi zambiri: 50/60Hz
Zida Zachipolopolo: Aluminiyamu Aloyi
Digiri ya Chitetezo: IP55

Tsatanetsatane wa Zamalonda

Zolemba Zamalonda

Kanthu 7KW ACEV Charger Station
Product Model MIDA-EVST-7KW
Adavoteledwa Panopa 32 ampa
Ntchito Voltage AC 250V Gawo Limodzi
Adavoteledwa pafupipafupi 50/60Hz
Chitetezo cha Leakage Mtundu B RCD / RCCB 30mA
Zinthu Zachipolopolo Aluminiyamu Aloyi
Chizindikiro cha Status Chizindikiro cha Mawonekedwe a LED
Ntchito RFID Card
Atmospheric Pressure 80KPA ~ 110KPA
Chinyezi Chachibale 5% ~ 95%
Kutentha kwa Ntchito -30°C~+60°C
Kutentha Kosungirako -40°C ~+70°C
Digiri ya Chitetezo IP55
Makulidwe 350mm (L) X 215mm (W) X 110mm (H)
Kulemera 7.0Kg
Standard IEC 61851-1:2010 EN 61851-1:2011
IEC 61851-22:2002 EN 61851-22:2002
Chitsimikizo TUV, CE Yavomerezedwa
Chitetezo 1.Over and under frequency protection

2. Pa Chitetezo Chatsopano

3.Leakage Current Protection (kuyambiranso kuchira)

4. Kuteteza Kutentha Kwambiri

Chitetezo cha 5.Overload (kudzifufuza nokha kuchira)

6. Chitetezo cha Pansi ndi Chitetezo chafupipafupi

7.Over voltage and under-voltage protection

8. Kuteteza Kuwala 


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    Lembani uthenga wanu apa ndikutumiza kwa ife